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Sewing Stashbusters: 25 great ways to use up your fabric leftovers 2021

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It's a perennial problem for crafters: you have a little fabric left over from a major project, too much to throw it away and not enough for another big make. Sewing Stashbusters has the eco-friendly answer, 25 projects specially chosen to use up the odd metre or less of fabric, so you'll have a clear stash drawer and a clear conscience. 
To keep you organised while you craft, there are pincushions, knitting bags, and a knitting needle roll. For when you are out and about, you might want to make yourself some garden bunting, or a patchwork coat for your dog. For your wardrobe, make a pretty tie-on collar with buttons from your store, or sew-on patches for your denim. And at home you can make a cat-shaped doorstop or a Dachshund draft excluder. Pockets, pouches and purses can be made in contrasting pieces of fabric, while puffs and rosettes will use up even the smallest pieces in your stash.
Размер: 9 mb 
Формат: epub
Страниц: 260
Язык: Английский 
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