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Colorful Crochet Knitwear: Crochet sweaters and more with mosaic, intarsia and tapestry crochet patterns 2022

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Свяжите яркую и красивую одежду и аксессуары крючком с помощью этого руководства, включая интарсию, мозаику и гобеленовое вязание - будь то свитер с декоративной кокеткой или шапка и перчатки в скандинавском стиле. 
Crochet bright and beautiful clothes and accessories with this guide to the most exciting crochet colorwork techniques including intarsia, mosaic and tapestry crochet. Why should knitters have all the fun when it comes to colourwork? If you prefer using one hook to two needles but wish you could crochet colourful garments like knitters then this collection of colourful crochet clothing is for you. Whether it’s a sweater with a decorative yoke or a matching beanie and glove set in a Scandinavian-inspired design, this collection of crochet patterns shows that it’s not just knitters who can make colorwork sweaters and accessories – crochet can be just as versatile once you know the techniques.
Автор: S. Gutierrez
Издательство: David & Charles
Формат: epub
Размер: 135 Мб
Страниц: 128
Язык: Английский  
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