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Beaded Macrame Jewelry: Stylish Designs, Exciting New Materials 2006

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МАКРАМЕ - макраме
Macramé. Just the word summons up images of hideous 1960s atrocities designed to hang plants. 
But what was good about macramé in the 1960s is still what’s good about macramé: It’s easy, it’s fun, everybody can do it. And now everybody can get great results, making gorgeous jewelry that’s sure to astonish anyone born before the Reagan era. Best-selling author Sherri Haab takes a completely fresh look at the craft, using fine cords and shimmering beads that are popular with today’s beadwork and jewelry designers. Clear illustrations show how to do 14 simple knotting techniques. Then it’s time to try 22 projects for bracelets, earrings, rings, necklaces, even a belt, a purse, and an iPod pouch--each one stylish, colorful, and easy to create. Beaded Macramé Jewelry is macramé for today!
Формат: pdf
Размер: 5 mb
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