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First Adventures in Loom Knitting 2018

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In ‘First Adventures in Loom Knitting’, simonthescribe presents you with twenty-four really-simple, easy, original and creative loom knitting projects that anyone can make. He shows how the main advantage with loom knitting is its speed in making simple clothes and fun objects with just two basic weaves.
Other loom knitting books can take a step-by-step approach, using over-complex stitches, and patterns more suited to knitting needles, that ignore the speed of looming with basic weaves. This book builds on skills, moving, for example from basic beanie hats to segmented hat weaves. First Adventures in Loom Knitting has descriptions woven-in as to how each knitted object came about and over 80 colour photos and illustrations showing the projects. Full instructions on loom types, weaves, row numbers and assembly are given.
Not only is it great fun making clothes and woven items for yourself, loom knitting is a craft made for sharing. The unique and easy projects in this book make fabulous gifts for people for Christmas, birthdays or just as random tokens of love and affection. This book is brimming with enthusiasm for making your own stuff and gifting fun objects which people just adore.
Автор: Simon Mitchell
Издательство: Kindle Edition
Размер: 5 mb
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 78
Язык: Английский
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