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The Farmer's Wife Homestead Medallion Quilt 2020

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Замечательная книга «The Farmer's Wife Homestead Medallion Quilt» по лоскутному шитью одеял в стиле квилта. Мастер традиционного лоскутного шитья и автор издания, Лори Аарон Хирд расскажет и покажет как сшить 120 классических блоков лоскутного одеяла. 
Best-selling author Laurie Aaron Hird of The Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt shares the next installment of this beloved series. A few years before Ada Melville Shaw's death in 1937, she wrote--and The Farmer's Wife magazine published--a seven-part series of articles about her homesteading adventures. It is this series of articles that come to life in The Farmer's Wife Homestead Medallion Quilt. Master of traditional quilting, Laurie Aaron Hird has used Ada's writings to inspire the 120 classic quilt blocks that surround a stunning center medallion. Full instructions for sewing this queen-sized sampler quilt, featuring 64 six-inch and 56 eight-inch blocks, are included.
Автор: Laurie Aaron Hird
Издательство: Interweave
Формат: epub
Размер: 133 Мб
Страниц: 1048
Язык: Английский  
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