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Origami for Kids 2020

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Experts agree that children today spend far too much time using mobile technology, which can seriously affect their mental and physical health. 
Children are born surrounded by technology, which they usually find incredibly entertaining, so it can be challenging to interest them in something else. While children cannot and should not completely avoid technology, it is up to parents to maintain a healthy balance. Origami is a fun and educational paper-folding technique that ignites the creative spark, develops hand-eye coordination and improves memory, attention, and concentration. It can be learned at any age and is one of the cheapest “toys” out there. All your kids will need is paper and their imagination. Soon they will be able to create numerous toys and decorations, and improve their many skills one fold at the time!
Here’s what you get with this book:
A bunch of origami models, from animals to learning game components, and everything in between
A step-by-step guide on how to create each model
Visual instructions with pictures for each step of creating a model
A guide on using different colored paper to create intricate designs
Models for beginners and advanced Origami masters
And much more!
Автор: Matthew Clark
Размер: 2 mb 
Формат: epub
Страниц: 118
Язык: Английский 
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