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Brilliant Origami 1996

Оценка пользователей: / 4
В данной книге представлены различные схемы оригами...вы сможете научиться мастерить из бумаги лошадей, собак, людей и многое другое. Хорошего Вам время провождения!
There's something for everyone here, action folds, modulars, animals, objects and people. Some of the models are hard to fold really well, and require wet-folding or foil - but they are worth the effort. All models are accompanied by black-and-white photographs, and there are some stunning color photos at the beginning of the book. Besides diagrams, the book contains the author's thoughts about the design of the models, and explanations about several techniques. The diagrams are hand-drawn, but very clear.
Автор: David Brill
Издательство: Japan Publications
Размер: 40 mb 
Формат: pdf 
Страниц: 237
Язык: английский
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