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Breathtaking Wire Bracelets: 5 DIY Bracelets 2016

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Книга по созданию браслетов с подробными объяснениями и фотографиями.
With Breathtaking Wire Bracelets: 5 DIY Bracelets, you will be able to craft a homemade bracelet that matches your unique personality and style. Whether you prefer the simplicity of the Wire Wrapped Bangles, Chain Maille Rosette Links bracelet, and Bronze Memory Wire Bracelet or the intricacy of the Fierce Animal Print Bangles and Coiled Connection Bead and Wire Bracelet, one of these bracelets will be your new go-to for personal accessorizing and gift-giving. By printing out this free eBook, you will have an amazing resource for the best DIY jewelry crafts around. Get started today making these breathtaking bracelets! 
Автор: Megan Boedecker
Издательство: Prime Publishing, LLC
Формат: jpg
Размер: 19 mb
Страниц: 18
Язык: английский
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