NEWS: Доброго времени суток, уважаемые пользователи мирового портала по рукоделию! Kind time of days, dear users of a world portal on needlework!
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A Flurry of Kindness: Mark each day to Christmas with one of 25 kindness activities 2019

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Prepare for Christmas with this unique combination craft and countdown calendar. 
The book includes 25 days of family-friendly kindness activities, such as providing food and water for outdoor birds; sharing a favorite recipe with others; labeling photos with older relatives, or donating socks to a homeless shelter. When each day is through, cut and fold each page into a beautiful snowflake. Twenty-five original patterns are included, as well as directions and tips for how to use the snowflakes, and a blank pattern for making your own. Spread joy and generosity this December, and watch the flurry of kindness grow and grow! A sustainable, good-deeds approach to the holiday season.
Автор: Amy Junod Placentra 
Формат: epub
Страниц: 33
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