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Quilled Christmas: 30 Festive Paper Projects 2018

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Celebrate the season with 30 colorful and charming paper-quilling projects for Christmas decorations, ornaments, gift tags, greeting cards, and more. 
Christmas is the perfect time to brighten your home and delight friends and family with handmade gifts and decorations. In these 30 beautiful holiday-themed quilling projects, Alli Bartkowski explains how to roll, shape, and glue paper strips into eye-catching framed art, a handsome nutcracker figurine, a lovely snowflake ornament, colorful jewelry, and more. Each project is designed for a specific skill level, and you'll find a comprehensive introduction and step-by-step photos of the essential techniques needed to create basic shapes, elegant typography, and dazzling linear art.
Формат: epub
Размер: 31 mb
Страниц: 144
Язык: Английский
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