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Agra Fort, India

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БУМАЖНЫЕ МОДЕЛИ - Буклеты - Архитектура


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Agra Fort is a fort located in Agra, a city in the north of India. It was built in the 16th century and owned by the Mughal Empire. The third Mughal emperor Akbar commissioned the building of an enormous castle, with a circumference as long as 2.5km. It is known for its two-layered castle wall, made from red sandstone, and is sometimes called "The Red Fort." In contrast to its heavy exterior walls, many of the buildings inside the fort feature white marble, giving a luxurious and refined impression. Agra Fort was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1993. This craft is a model of one of Agra Fort's gates: Amar Singh Gate

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Страниц: 45
Язык: Английский


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