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Cover Up with Nicky Epstein: Knitted Afghans from her Personal Collection 2007

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Nicky Epstein - whose blockbuster "Edge" books have sold more than 125,000 copies - presents a treasury of fabulous knitted afghans and it's sure to become another hit for this always-popular author. These masterpieces, taken from her personal collection, range from the elegant to the truly fantastic: they'll absolutely enthral and inspire Epstein's many fans and knitters everywhere. Those who favour simplicity will love the monochromatic White Sampler, as well as a blue Wedgewood Afghan. For knitters who like to walk on the wilder side and work with vibrant colours, there's the irresistibly intricate intarsia of a Musical afghan, or the detailed panels of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Автор: Nicky Epstein
Издательство: Sixth&Spring Books
Формат: PDF
Размер: 32 Mb
Страниц: 194
Язык: английский
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