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Stitch & Pattern: Design and Technique for Pattern Textile Art 2018

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Книга по рукоделию от художника по текстилю Jean Draper. Она руководит художниками по текстилю с помощью самых креативных способов обработки рисунков и использования нашей любви к ритму и повторения в ткани, обсуждает характер рисунка и его язык. Вы научитесь создавать самые неповторимые и оригинальные вещи с помощью этой книги.
From the hugely accomplished textile artist Jean Draper comes an invaluable guide to designing and working with pattern in textile art. As she did in her successful Stitch and Structure, Jean Draper guides textile artists through some of the most creative ways of working up patterns, and harnessing our love for rhythm and repeat in fabric. She discusses the nature of pattern and its language, and explains grids, symmetry, and the positive and negative in design. Detailed studies explore patterns from other cultures, including Banjara; in plants and flowers; and on the human body. Throughout, Draper carefully teaches a variety of techniques, from putting stitches together, to exaggerating and overlapping stitches, to using just one type of stitch. With beautiful examples throughout, Stitch & Pattern provides ample inspiration to develop truly great textile art.
Автор: Jean Draper
Издательство: Batsford
Формат: pdf
Размер:  72 mb 
Страниц: 233
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