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The Unicorn Craft Book: Over 25 Magical Projects to Inspire Your Imagination 2018

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Красочная, волшебная книга по рукоделию. Вы любите сказочных единорогов? Хотите научится создавать их из любых материалов? Тогда вам  очень нужна эта замечательная книга!
The magical realm of unicorns comes to life in this dazzling craft book, brimming with sparkles and rainbows. Let your imagination run wild in creating dozens of fun and entertaining projects to make for yourself or give as gifts, including an amazing unicorn soft toy, a glittering headband and a rainbow-coloured charm. Each project comes with a list of all the items and templates that you will need to create your unicorn-fuelled fun, along with step-by-step instructions and clear photographs to help you create something really special. Get ready to spread the magic!
Автор: Isabel Urbina Gallego
Издательство: Summersdale Publishers Ltd.
Размер:  11 mb 
Формат: pdf 
Страниц: 224
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