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The Art of Crochet with Sock Weight Yarn: 15 Stunning Patterns Inspired by Indie Dyers and Small-Batch Skeins 2024

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Вязание крючком из красивой пряжи ручной окраски. 
15 моделей вязания крючком от Kaitlin Ostafew, дизайнера по вязанию крючком, созданы для того, чтобы подчеркнуть лучшие свойства легкой и деликатной пряжи, чтобы вы могли создавать высококачественную одежду и аксессуары любого цвета, о котором вы мечтали. Простые инструкции помогут вам стать профессионалом в вязании крючком.
Crochet With Beautiful, Hand-Dyed Yarn. Hand-dyed indie yarn isn’t only for knitters! These 15 crochet patterns by Kaitlin Ostafew―the crochet designer behind Sass & Stitch―are designed to highlight the best features of lightweight, delicate sock weight yarn, so you can create high-quality garments and accessories with every color you’ve been dreaming of. From supporting independent dyers to stitching larger projects with intricate details, Kaitlin’s easy-to-follow instructions will transform you into a pro at crocheting with this luxurious handcrafted yarn. Beginners and seasoned crocheters alike will adore the soft, detailed textures of Kaitlin’s elegant designs. Try out exciting new colorways with easy one-skein patterns like the Eloise Hair Bow or Autumn Stroll Earwarmer. Stitch up an heirloom garment to treasure for years with the Choose Your Adventure Cardi and Dragonfly Twist Wrap. Or, put the scraps from your favorite skeins to use with creative patchwork pieces like the Color Wheel Pillow or the Sassy Scrappy Blanket. These thoughtfully designed patterns are sure to make hand-dyed sock weight yarn a staple in your crochet collection!
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