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Homemaker №57 2018 Embroidery Style

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Homemaker is a new, aspirational craft magazine with a unique make-it-yourself homes focus.
 Packed with creative projects, interiors ideas, baking recipes and more, there’s something for everyone seeking a beautiful handmade home. Welcome to Embroidery Style, your go-to guide for filling your home and wardrobe with beautifully hand-stitched embellishments and decorations. Delve into our fabulous range of projects from page 8 where we have all you need to give your attire an update; I love the beautiful rose jacket (p9). There’s also all the accessory inspiration you need, like diamond stitch bracelets (p22) and a sparkling clutch bag
Формат: pdf 
Страниц: 164
Размер: 153 Мб
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