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How To Make Your Own Soap: ... In Traditional Bars, Liquid or Cream 2014

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This book will guide you through creating your own liquid and bar soap.

Design and create bars of soap using traditional methods that incorporate moisturising oils and butters, and make fun and funky glycerine soaps that look almost too fabulous to use. If you prefer liquid soaps then this book also explains how to create liquid and cream soaps from scratch as well as how to design body washes using many of the easily obtainable surfactants. In this book you will discover how to: choose soap making ingredients that will be most beneficial for your skin type; design and create a range of soapy products including hand and body washes; scent your soaps using essential and fragrance oils; make glycerine melt and pour soap from scratch; and understand different soap making methods and techniques.

Автор: Sally Hornsey
  Издательство: How To Books Ltd
 Формат: pdf
Размер: 12 mb 
Язык: Английский


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