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Homemade Organic, Anti-Bacterial & Natural Soap Recipes: Beat Bacteria and Fight Viruses with DIY Liquid, Foaming and Bar Soaps 2020

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МЫЛОВАРЕНИЕ - книги и журналы не вошедшие в категории
Книга по созданию в домашних условиях натурального мыла, антибактериальных средств и др.
Washing hands in warm water and with soap may take a few minutes, but it’s a sensible way to help prevent the spread of colds, flu, and viruses.
The benefit of homemade soap is that you can hand-pick the ingredients. These can include skin-nourishing nut and seed oils, anti-bacterial fragrant essential oils and moisturizing glycerin.
Another plus is that homemade soap is not only better for your skin but also for the environment too.
DIY soap making is simple, and here in this book you will find 40 beginner-friendly liquid, foaming and soap bar recipes including:
• Homemade Honey Liquid Soap
• Luscious Lime Liquid Soap
• Foaming Soap on the Go
• Oatmeal and Lavender Soap Bars
• Anti-Bacterial Foaming Soap
• Sugar Cookie Soap Bars
Beat bacteria and discover how to make these and other homemade organic, anti-bacterial, and natural soap recipes.
Remember, your family’s health is in your hands!
Автор: Kerstin Schmitt
Формат: pdf
Размер: 5 mb
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