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Soap Making Recipes: A Step-By-Step Guide to Natural Soap Making for Beginners 2020

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Have you ever felt “clean” but at the same time your skin felt uncomfortable, itchy and lacking moisture? It’s all because of the unnatural components of the “soap” that are stripping your skin of its natural oils. Did you even take a glance at the ingredients list of what soap you’re using? I’m pretty sure you have not. It’s too long, filled with words you can’t even understand, let alone, pronounce.
It is easy to unknowingly subject your body to the harmful components of these “cleaning products” because they are readily available. These days we want everything to be fast and accessible, we barely even give it a second thought of how it might affect us, be it positively or negatively. But it’s not too late to start treating you skin with the care it truly deserves!
The goal of this book is simple: Teaching you all the secrets for having a shiny and soothing skin with organic soaps prepared at home.
In the Soap Making Recipes book, you will learn about:
The equipment you need for making your own soap
The Basic Techniques and Ingredient to produce your homemade soap
How to Wrap and Preserve Your Soap
More than 30 recipes to start Making Your Own Soap
The Cold & Hot Process Techniques
Decorative Techniques (Natural Additives, Colorants & Scents)
Troubleshooting and Common Mistakes in Soap Making
Tips and Safety Reminders on Making Soaps at Home
Soap Making as A Business Opportunity
Special and Seasonal Soap Recipes
And Much More!
Формат: pdf
Размер: 6 mb
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