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Natural Soap Making: 2 Books In 1. The Ultimate Guide For Hobby and Business With Over 120 Recipes to Make Natural Soap 2020

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Как сделать замечательное натуральное мыло за небольшие деньги.
Вы ищете увлекательное и практичное хобби? Хотите сделать идеальный подарок для друзей, родственников или членов семьи? Тогда эта книга для вас!
How to make wonderful natural soap with little money.
Are you looking for a hobby that’s both fun and practical? Do you want to make the ideal gift for friends, relatives, or family members? Then this book is for you!
Written with the beginner in mind, this guide uncovers the wonders of soap making with simple explanations and step-by-step instructions. The perfect gift for friends and family, soap making is a fun craft which blends creativity with technical detail – now, you can uncover the wonders of soap making and learn how you can create a wide range of delightful soaps!
All of the recipes are designed to be natural, using essential oils, beeswax, and other natural ingredients for the best outcomes. With reference to both hot and cold-process soaps, as well as what you can do to get started (even if you’re on a budget), inside this book you’ll discover:
A History of Soap Making
Why Should You Make Soap?
How to Save on Soap Making – Tips for Those on a Budget
Must-Have Natural Soap Ingredients
The Secret to Making Great Homemade Soap
Common Misconceptions Debunked
Using Hot and Cold Process Techniques
Hand-Milled and Melt-and-Pour Recipes
And So Much More!
No matter your level of experience, it’s never been easier to make homemade soap. So don’t miss your chance to pick up a hobby that’s fun, rewarding, and most of all practical – it’s time to discover the world of soap making!
Формат: pdf
Размер: 2 mb
Язык: Английский
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